Call's Farm Home Owners Association Dues
The Call's Farm Home Owners Association (HOA) required dues are currently $400.00 per year. They are due February 15th of every year regardless of whether or not you receive a bill. However, if you do not receive a bill for the Call's Farm HOA dues, please notify the treasurer under the HOA Board Members tab so that your address may be verified or added.
Make Checks Payable to: Call's Farm HOA
Send dues payment to:
Call's Farm HOA c/o Balanced Books by CPA’s
3867 W. Market St.
Suite 278
Akron, OH 44333
Please do not send dues to any of the HOA Board Members. If received by a board member, it will be returned to you.
Late Payments
Dues that are not received by February 15th, on March 1st a late fee will be applied. If dues are not received by April 1st an additional late fee will be applied.
Under no circumstances will late fees be removed once applied. You are responsible to make sure your check has cleared.
If dues and late fees are not received by May 1st, a lien will be placed on the home owner's property. The homeowner will also be responsible for the cost of any lien(s).
If you are unable to pay the full amount due by February 15th, a semi-annual plan is available for an additional fee of $5.00 for a total of $405.00 for the year.
The total is split into $202.50 per half.
The first half of the payment must be received by February 15th in order to participate in this plan.
If the amount of $202.50 is not received by the 15th, you forfeit the two-payment plan and the full amount is due.
If the first payment was paid on time, then the remaining balance is due by July 15th.
Late fees will be applied if either requirement is not met.
Additional payment plans may be available for financial hardship cases if notice is given to the Call's Farm HOA treasurer prior to the due date of February 15th.